Aqua Shield Hitech Roofing System

Aqua Shield Hitech Roofing System:

Superior Technology Complete Solution System for the Thermal and Moisture Protection for the Building Roofs backed by 25 years guarantee from TAIC. The system meets all latest thermal insulation standards and regulations in UAE and is accepted by all major property developers, consultants and contractors.
The system is also approved by various authorities like Dubai Municipality, Shariah Municipality, Shariah Water and Electricity authority and Tranches; Hitech Roof system is an assured solution for your roof. Dubai Central Laboratory (DCL) Certified PU Foam system which forms joint free water proofing and thermal insulation fully bonded to the roof slab.
This System is comparatively maintenance free and cost effective. TAIC has completed scores of major projects in UAE during one decade

Quality Waterproofing and Insulation L.L.C

Applications of the Hitech Roof System

Pu Foam Application With Spraying Gun
Rubberized Coating for all the Roof
Water Test One Day
Geo Textile Layer
Making Ridge panel to make slop
Fiber Reinforced Screed Concreting
Expansion Joint Sealant
Waterproofing Top Coast Over screed Concrete

Hitech System Methods

Panelling and Screening Hitech System
Quality Waterproofing and Insulation L.L.C
Method of statement Hitech System:
Spray Applied Polyurethane Hitech Roofing System

Processing steps of Hitech roof system

1. Cleaning of dust and debris on the roof area using compressed air.
2. Polyurethane Foam Spray : Supply and apply approximately Thickness of 40mm polyurethane foam with density 40kg from elestogram BASF or Bayer. It is made in German
3. Rubberized Coating with Fosroc Material or Polybit Material : After Polyurethane foam spray. Rubberized coating nitoproof 30 from fosroc or polycoat RBE will be done by using brushes or rollers completely coating dry, Water test can be done from min 24hours to max 72 hours.
4. Separation Layer: Above the rubberized coating 100 gms/m2 geo textiles alaffrom K.S.A., the filter membrance will laid down as separation layer.
5. Preparation of Panels: On the geo textile the flaxen board 2*3meter panels will be made in slopes for screed.
6. Screed: Supply and application of a layer of ready mix screed to slope of average 80mm thick.
7. Filling sealant into the expansion joints: After stability of screed the Flaxen Board will be removed from the joints and filled with single component of Polyurethane Sealant having the background rod inside.
8. Cementations Coating with Brush Bond from Forsook or Henkel Polybit: finally the cementations coating will be done with the brush bond material as protection and final finished layer to give attractive and smooth look on the roof top and it is ultra